Persons with disabilities and senior citizens are our most vulnerable population. The Galveston County Food Bank’s Homebound Nutritional Outreach program assists individuals who face food insecurity and are confined to their homes due to disability or health issues. Our home delivery program brings much needed food to these individuals who would otherwise go without.
Homebound Nutritional Outreach
Outreach Program
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the eligibility requirements?
Individuals must be 60 years of age and older or disabled, meet TEFAP income guidelines, live in Galveston County, not able to access a pantry or mobile location to receive food.
How often does an eligible individual receive food?
The food box is delivered once a month.
How do I become a volunteer for this program?
Contact Kelly Boyer by email or by phone 409-945-4232 to receive the homebound volunteer packet.
What does the food box contain?
Each box contains roughly 25 pounds of nonperishable food items such as dry rice, dry pasta, canned vegetables, canned fruit, canned soups or stews, oatmeal, cereal, shelf stable milk, shelf stable juice.
Who delivers the boxes of food?
The boxes of food are delivered to eligible individuals by volunteers. Every volunteer is screened and must clear a background check to participate in this program in efforts to ensure the safety of the recipients.