If you or someone you know is seeking food assistance, use the map below to find a location near you.

Important: We encourage you to contact the agency before visiting to confirm their available hours and services. Please view the mobile calendar under the Map to view times and locations for mobile food distributions. Immediate updates and cancellations will be posted on Facebook and Instagram.

Sample Proxy Letter

If you would like to designate another person to pick up food on your behalf, they must present a proxy letter. Click here to download a sample proxy letter.

TEFAP Eligibility Guidelines

To qualify for food assistance a household must meet eligibility guidelines.

Interactive Map

Food Pantry

Kidz Pacz

Mobile Food Truck

Mobile food distributions occur at partner host sites through out Galveston County at pre-determined days and times (please see the calendar). These are drive-through events where recipients will register to receive bulk nutritious foods. A member of the household must be present to receive food. Identification or documents are NOT required to attend a mobile food distribution. For questions, please email Cyrena Hileman.

Registration/Check-In is completed at the mobile site location during each visit.  

For a printable version of the calendar, please click the button below.

Through our Kidz Pacz program we offer ready to eat, kid-friendly food packs to eligible children for 10 weeks during the summer months. Locate a site near you on the flier or interactive map above. Participants may only register at one location for the duration of the program. Complete registration at site location. 

Galveston County Food Bank On Site Pantry