Galveston County Food Bank and our partners are essential services, and it is critical that we remain operational while utilizing the best available safety precautions. With these current times, we realize exposure can be more ‘when’ and not ‘if’, and since we are a public building we will be updating here as soon as we know there has been any confirmed cases of people who have been at the Food Bank. We want to be as transparent as possible, while not adding to any fear.
We will remain operational, while utilizing the best available safety precautions.
We continue to be vigilant on safety practices, strongly following CDC safety and cleaning protocols.
Safety measures for volunteers, visitors and staff:
- We are following CDC recommended sterilization procedures and have increased the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting, especially around high-traffic areas (volunteer areas, elevators, meeting rooms, bathrooms, food areas).
- All must wear facial covering upon entering the GCFB lobby.
- Temperatures are being taken at all entrances: staff, volunteers and any guests.
- Staff and volunteers are asked to keep social distancing and if they are unable they must wear facial covering. .
- Volunteers working warehouse projects are required to wash hands before their shift starts, during breaks, when they switch projects, and after their shift. Gloves are also available for wear for warehouse projects. We are also taking temperatures upon arrival..
- Staff is practicing a ‘wash in, wash out’ method. Increasing handwashing frequency. Cleaning their workstations more frequently. Temperatures are being taken upon arrival..
- All visitors and staff are demonstrating social-distancing practices. Ex. Volunteers are suggested to work 6 feet apart whenever possible and at least arms-length apart..
- Encouraging anyone who feels unwell to stay home.
Cleaning and disinfecting:
When/if a confirmed case occurs, the space where the person was will be thoroughly sanitized and we are following CDC recommended standards for cleaning and disinfecting. People who closely encountered the individual will be notified.
Additional information:
Food is not known to transmit coronavirus. According to a recent statement released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, “We are not aware of any reports at this time of human illnesses that suggest COVID-19 can be transmitted by food or food packaging.” Like other viruses, it is possible that the virus that causes COVID-19 can survive on surfaces or objects. For that reason, it is critical to follow the 4 key steps of food safety—clean, separate, cook, and chill.