ڪيڊ پيزز

In an attempt to close the gap of summertime hunger, the Galveston County Food Bank has established the Kidz Pacz program. During the summer months, many children who depend on free or reduced meals at school often struggle to have enough food at home. Through our Kidz Pacz program we offer meal packs to eligible children for 10 weeks during the summer months.

وچان وچان سوال ڪرڻ

قابليت جي ضرورت ڇا آهي؟

Families must meet the TEFAP income guideline chart (view here) and live in Galveston County.  Children must be between 3 years old and 18 years old.

آئون ڪئين ڪريز پيزز پروگرام لاءِ ڪيئن رجسٽر ڪندس؟

اسان جي چيڪ ڪريو الڳاپيل نقشو اسان جي ويجھو هڪ Kidz Pacz سائيٽ ڳولڻ لاءِ اسان جي ويب سائيٽ تي مدد ڳوليو. مهرباني ڪري مهرباني ڪري انهن جي آفيس ڪلاڪن ۽ رجسٽريشن جي عمل جي تصديق لاءِ سائيٽ جي جڳھ کي سڏ ڪريو.


ڊائون لوڊ ڪرڻ لاء هتي ڪلڪ ڪريو a copy of the Kidz Pacz application. Complete and submit a copy to the Galveston County Food Bank, and our program staff will make a referral on your behalf to one of our partnering Kidz Pacz host sites.

Ways to submit an application:

أي: kelly@galvestoncountyfoodbank.org

گلي ويسٽن ڪائونٽي فوڊ بئنڪ
Attn: Programs Department
624 4th ايونڪس اتر
ٽيڪساس سٽي ، ٽيڪساس 77590

Attn: Programs Department

What food comes in the Kidz Pacz meal packs?

Each Food pack contains 5-7 pounds worth of non-perishable food items. We strive to include food from each of the main food groups in each pack, including protein, vegetables, fruits, and grains. We also include some type of beverage (typically juice or milk) and a snack and/or breakfast item.

اهل ٻار ڪيتري وقت کان کاڌي پيڪ حاصل ڪندو آهي؟

مستحق ٻارڙن کي پروگرام جي مدت لاءِ هفتي ۾ هڪ ڀيرو پيڪ ملندا آهن جيڪي عام طور تي جون جي شروعات کان وٺي آگسٽ جي وچ تائين هلندو آهي.

ڪئين اسڪول يا تنظيم ڪاڊز پيزز پروگرام لاءِ ميزبان سائيٽ ڪيئن بڻجي وئي؟

Any tax exempt organization may apply to be a Kidz Pacz host site. Host sites are responsible for registering and distributing food packs to eligible children. Monthly reports are required. For more information, please contact: agencyrelations@galvestoncountyfoodbank.org

2024 ميزبان سائيٽ جي جڳھ

Please stay tuned for a list of upcoming host sites for Summer 2024.

The program runs June 3 through August 10th.